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Advances in Opthalmology: Λεπτομέρειες Βιβλίου

Ophthalmology is a fast-evolving field that has achieved several milestones in the past decade. Independently improved diagnostics and efficient treatment options have contribut-ed significantly to improved vision. Targeted to a wide audience, this book provides comprehensive knowledge of the existing practices, recent advancements, and future innovations in the field of ophthalmology. The phase trial and major limitations of the potential novel technologies are also discussed. Further, this book briefs the history and evolution of ophthalmology, common eye pathol-ogies and their treatment modalities. Specifically, this book discusses the current techniques, drugs, and pro-cedures used for the management of eye diseases. In this book, the recent scientific advancements identified using the experimental models and also the pre-clinical studies have been described. Above and this, the book looks forward to including the future to identify potential techniques, innovations, and procedures that can improve the understanding and man-agement of diseases and disorders associated with eye. Also, this book looks forward to the possibilities for restoring lost vision in humans, which is a dream for human race. I believe this book would be a great addition to the existing collection of books in ophthalmology.

Advances in Opthalmology
How Technology Will Change the Management of Eye Diseases

Stylianos Mastronikolis

Οπτική, Οπτομετρία, Οφθαλμολογία

Πάτρα, Gotsis Εκδόσεις, 2022 - 224σ. - 14x20εκ.
ISBN: 978-618-5560-21-8

€ 30,00 Αγορά